Health & Science>Medical Research

Soroka Hospital Successfully Close Down Coronavirus ICU

Soroka Hospital Successfully Close Down Coronavirus ICU

On Monday, Soroka-University Medical Center in Beersheba happily announced that it had closed down its coronavirus ICU (intensive care unit). …

4 years ago

Palestine Receives 60,000 Doses of COVAX Vaccine

On Wednesday, Palestine received 60,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine from the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX), a vaccine sharing initiative…

4 years ago

Israeli Scientist Claims To ‘Reverse’ Aging In Blood Cells

Israeli scientists say they have managed to not only successfully stop the biological aging process but to reverse it, using…

4 years ago

CRISPR Used To Remove Fearful Memories From Rats

Researchers at Peking University have used CRISPR gene editing to 'delete' fearful memories from rats. And get this. The new…

4 years ago

Israel’s Super Disinfectant that can eliminate viruses and bacteria 100% — even the Novel Coronavirus!

Israel has formulated a super disinfectant that could eliminate all viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds, and even the novel coronavirus off…

5 years ago

M.I.T. Innovations: Feasible Coronavirus Test with CRISPR!

The new coronavirus test is based on a gene-editing system known as CRISPR – which is a powerful device for…

5 years ago

Israeli Coronavirus Vaccine Is Just Around The Corner

There is some hope coming out of Israel as the coronavirus pandemic takes center stage around the world. According to…

5 years ago

Israel Makes ‘Exciting Breakthrough’ With Only Weeks Away From Coronavirus Vaccine

Israeli scientists are on the verge of a medical breakthrough regarding a vaccine against the new coronavirus outbreak, says Science…

5 years ago

Bio-Medical Engineers from Israel create technology that suppresses Alzheimer’s disease

Bio-medical engineers at two renowned universities in Israel have developed a technology that when delivered in the brain, helps curtail…

5 years ago

New Israeli Cancer Treatment Has a 100% Tumor Shrinkage Rate

Alpha Tau Medical, an Israeli medical equipment manufacturing company based in Tel Aviv, has developed a cancer treatment that proved…

5 years ago