Israel has formulated a super disinfectant that could eliminate all viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds, and even the novel coronavirus off surfaces. This advanced cleaning agent was formed by the Israel Institute for Biological Research and distributed by Tera Novel.

The super disinfectant is very distinct from other cleaning agents as it has a high concentration of hypochlorite and additional powerful ingredients that makes it very potent in killing viruses, bacteria, and germs.

“When sprayed, the cleaning agent turns into a white gel, which protects the surface for some time.” According to Karen Cohen Khazon, the Chairwoman of Tera Novel.

The disinfectant works well on mikva’ot (a Jewish ritual bath), toilets, airport bathrooms, walls, floors, ceilings, and even in spas.

Bnei Brak was one of the most affected cities in Israel by the coronavirus. Tera Novel tested the disinfectant in Bnei Brak and used it in their mikva‘ot to alleviate the spread of the coronavirus in the region. Today, the city is slowly returning to its normal state from being a restricted zone last April.

“They are very excited to bring the mikva’ot back to societies, to go back to normal life,” said Karen Cohen Khazon.

“We are very flattered and happy to be part of trying to bring society back to their routine in Bnei Brak, especially after the very tough time they had to go through.” She added.

The disinfectant was formed for the security forces in Isreal before it was transported to the US army for them to use. The super disinfectant has been kept in several emergency warehouses in case the need arises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The company plans to bring the super disinfectant to many hospitals, mikva’ot, spas, gyms, and even in retirement homes.

“It is an Israeli state-of-the-art technology to disinfect and terminate all the environmental infections. And today, when we need to get rid of the coronavirus and other viruses, it’s very good that Israel and the Israel Biological Institute with Tera Novel could take this product and move it from defense and army and security development to civilian life it can help people go back to normal life,” Khazon stated.