JERUSALEM, Israel – President Donald Trump and previous Vice-President Joe Biden didn’t debate foreign policy, yet it stays one of the main issues facing voters.
From Tehran to Istanbul to Jerusalem, the Middle East is looking to the final verdict to perceive how the US decisions will shape the fate of the district.
“It’s a pivotal political decision for the Middle East and Israel. Both previous Vice-President Biden and the occupant President Trump have expressed what might be their approaches for the coming four years. What’s more, in certain ways, they contrast on a very fundamental level, even radically,” Michael Oren, previous Israeli ambassador to the US disclosed to CBN News
Oren believes a Biden organization would invert certain Trump arrangements that benefit his country.
“A Biden administration would return to both the policies of the Obama organization and the Clinton organization offering priority to the achievement of a Palestinian state dependent on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem, east Jerusalem as its capital,” said Oren.
The Israeli-Palestinian clash might be nevertheless one difference for Israel and the region. The fundamental question is how a Biden organization would manage Iran and the conceivable resumption of the Iranian nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
“With Respect to Iran, both the former VP and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have said unequivocally they expect to renew the nuclear deal of 2015. If Iran returns to the level of uranium enrichment set up by that nuclear deal, which isn’t difficult for Iran to do, and that has significant implications for Israel and the Middle East. ”
Oren trusts President Trump would adopt an alternate strategy with Iran.
Oren believes a Biden organization would not “put resources into those agreements the manner in which the Trump organization has.”